Sharna Walsh

Sharna is a qualified remedial massage therapist who has a passion for treating injuries using a hands on approach to address any muscle imbalances and restrictions as well as digging deeper and analysing the movement compensations which may have led to the injury developing.

Sharna’s passion for health and injury management began when she had her first injury during her crossfit and weightlifting training. She found that massage therapy was the modality that was able to significantly speed up her recovery and return to the sport that she loved. This inspired her to take the step forward to complete her diploma.

Over her work history she has learnt from a range of different practitioners and found further passion in exercise therapy and is now studying exercise science. By combining her knowledge in both fields she can help her patients with soft tissue restrictions and pain as well as give them the advice to prevent aggravation and strengthen the surrounding tissues to have her patients functioning at the their peak.

Sharna uses a range of different soft tissue modalities including deep tissue release, trigger point therapy, active release techniques as well dry needling and exercise rehabilitation.


Samuel Macey


Lorenna Freitas