TPI Golf Assessment


Elite Health and Performance’s golf assessment is here to get you striking it pain free and the best you ever have.


Conducted by Jake, our Titleist Performance Institute trained practitioner you’ll be on the road to your best golf.

Golf is one of the most biomechanically dependent sports in the world. It is critical to get the best out of your game that your body moves in an efficient motion. Mobility and stability patterns are integral to a good golf game to not only make sure you avoid injury but to also improve consistency.


This is where our TPI based golf assessment is essential to all golfers.

If you are someone who either endures pain playing golf, has a golf related injury or just wants to enhance your body’s movement capabilities, you’re the perfect person for it.


What does a golf assessment screening involve at Elite HP?

  • A TPI Biomechanical swing analysis

Video analysis from multiple angles looking at common faults that present during a golf swing. Swing faults can either be caused by or cause injuries from your golf as well as be a resultant of bad mobility and stability patterns.

  • A TPI assessment screening process

A detailed top to toe screening process looking specifically at how you move and control your body. Directly applied and individualised to the golfer and their golf swing.



What does a golf assessment screening involve at Elite HP?

  • A detailed report of findings from the swing analysis and screening process

Putting both the swing analysis and screening process together your practitioner will go through and relate the both of these to your golf game and golfing goals.

  • A personalised golf specific exercise program

As always the road to improvement doesn’t happen at the click of someone’s fingers. This is where our TPI certified practitioner will design a specific exercise program for you, designed to improve your health or your performance, whatever it may be.


Frequently Asked Questions

Will you work with my golf pro?

Absolutely we will. If your golf pro has any questions or has noticed traits in your swing that needs some therapy attention we can get in contact with them on your behalf so we can be both working together to achieve the same goal for you.

Should I do a TPI screen if I have an injury?

Our practitioner will modify the screening around your injury if needed. More importantly the screening is designed to pick up potential movement faults that may be causing or aggravating your injury and allow the practitioner to address these appropriately.

How long will it take to see results?

Depending on the long-term movement goals or results that you are after, this can vary with how long it takes to achieve them. You should in most cases however feel some improvements almost immediately from your first therapy session either to reduce pain or improve movement quality.

How does this relate to my golf handicap?

The assessment program analyses biomechanical faults in the way you move which could be inhibiting your swing or causing you pain. Either of these can directly affect your golf game and have a negative impact on the scorecard and your handicap. Addressing these can hence improve your handicap.

Can this be covered on my private health fund?

Our TPI certified practitioner is a registered health professional. Private health holders with extras cover can claim a TPI golf assessment on their private health.



LIfe’s too short to be uncomfortable. If you’re struggling with an injury or you’re sick of dealing with lingering pain, book in with our experts today and we’ll help you get back to what you love doing.
