Myofascial Cupping


Modern applications to the ancient art.


Cupping could be described as a technique that is the opposite of Deep tissue massage as it was designed to lift up/decompress tissues instead of the compression applied with most techniques. Myofascial cupping applies modern applications to the ancient art of Traditional Chinese Cupping Technique.

Two main techniques.

  • Stationary cupping is setting the cups to problem areas which are then left for 5–15 minutes allowing the therapist to continue treatment elsewhere if possible.

  • Active cupping is where the cups are placed to the muscle group and moved along the length of the muscle which can incorporate active movements to gain greater mobility.


How does it help?

  • Incorporating Myofascial Cupping into your Remedial treatments would be excellent in decreasing pain, reducing scar tissue, tension and increasing the range of motion you may be lacking which in return will help you to achieve your training goals and treat injury.


What are the benefits?

  • Cupping promotes blood circulation by lifting the body’s skin layer, connective tissue, and muscles off the skeletal system loosening any tightened fibres and restoring blood flow to areas of the body that have been restricted or limited.

  • Cupping is commonly used to treat headaches, muscle/ joint aches and to desensitise Trigger points commonly found within problematic muscles.

  • It is also great at relaxing and repairing the deep muscle tissues and helping improve flow within the lymphatic system. It depends on what you are trying to achieve from the treatment but it definitely has its benefits for everyone.


What to expect?

At Elite Health and Performance the cupping suction is achieved by using a handheld suction pump with no heat applied. An oil or balm is applied first to insure better pressure regulation and in active cupping to create easy gliding over the skin.

As cupping is suction based techniques, some residual marks, redness or bruising can occur but are usually painless and generally only last 2-10 days.



LIfe’s too short to be uncomfortable. If you’re struggling with an injury or you’re sick of dealing with lingering pain, book in with our experts today and we’ll help you get back to what you love doing.
